Join The Innovative Learning Arena: Let's Battle It Out!
Date Wednesday, Nov 22 Time – Room Potsdam III
In this high-spirited learning session participants defend their preferred learning method in a "Learning Battle" to win over the audience and be awarded "The Best Learning Approach".
The session aims to challenge participants to speak up, listen intently, and critically analyse learning approaches for their merits while having fun and sharing experiences. It sets the scene and breaks the ice for the OEB 2023 days to come, where participants hope to learn from each other!
Inge de Waard
Learning Innovation coordinator, EIT InnoEnergy, Belgium
Inge de Waard is the learning strategist at EIT InnoEnergy, she is a longtime researcher, activist, award-winning learning innovator and (e)Learning coordinator. She developed multiple online & hybrid courses, co-designed AI tools, and embedded learning innovations. Inge coaches and co-creates international, blended curricula with engineers and teachers, and explores innovative learning formats. Her expertise is recognized by peers, resulting in additional co-authored papers, invited talks and keynotes in both academic and professional conferences, workshops and seminars. She recently founded the Flamboyant Grays initiative to spotlight role models who changed their lives at any age beyond 50 ( Most of all, she likes to connect with people and share stories.