Connect with us

27 – 29, 2024

Formats for Active Participation

Formats reflect the diverse ways in which the event supports knowledge exchange for all education and training stakeholders. They are designed to inspire, create new knowledge, showcase, engage and debate. Making sure that active participation fully connects you with the boldest new thinking, shaping the future of learning and training.

Spotlight Stage

Talks, interviews and debates featuring leading experts, thinkers, innovators and practitioners who create the future of learning.

Discovery Demo Space

Discover free tools, next generation materials and pre-release products on an informal basis.

Exhibition Seminars

Free to attend, these sessions showcase insights and solutions of leading industry suppliers.

Plenary Keynotes

World-class keynote speakers share their take on pertinent issues on the future of learning.

Pre-Conference Workshops

Half day and full day workshops before the main conference to develop in-depth, practical skills. Prior registration is required.

Learning Cafés

Concurrent group discussions in a large open room with round tables to exchange ideas and actions with peers.

Presentation Panels

Short presentations curated into a larger session and chaired by a moderator, followed by a lively and informative Q&A.

Boardroom Dialogues

A facilitator-led networking event around a specific theme or community that encourages attendees to connect around shared interests.

Discussion Panels

Thought-provoking opinions by a panel of experts, followed by a moderated dialogue with an active, participating audience.

How Tos

Hands-on peer-learning exercises to take back and implement proven strategies in your working environment.

Annual Debate

Parliamentary-style Debate Plenary Session bringing two opposing sides to the stage, allowing for a lively exchange of views on an important motion.

Other bespoke & interactive formats