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27 – 29, 2024


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Press Releases

The Learning Futures We Choose: Call for Proposals

Big tech and AI is radically changing how we all learn. At OEB, Europe's foremost education and workplace learning conference, later this year in Berlin, the EdTech community will gather to help shape this change. The call for proposals for the 2023 conference has opened.

OEB Global 2022: Education in the Metaverse

Online Educa Berlin, the annual global, cross-sector conference and exhibition on digital learning and training since 1995,, which will take place in Berlin from 23-25 November, hosts the  annual OEB Debate.

OEB Global 2022: Moving Beyond the Daily Grind

OEB Conference’s workforce L&D plenary on Friday, November, 25 will look at how Learning and Development can deliver both its day-to-day training and support its organisation’s long-term goals.

Education Innovation: "No Turning Back" Say Experts

Classroom innovation has “accelerated” during the pandemic and there is now “no turning back,” experts will tell leaders of the world’s education and technology sectors in Berlin in December.

Press Contact

OEB Learning Technologies Europe GmbH
Leibnizstrasse 32
10625 Berlin, Germany
Tel.: +49 (0)30 726 21 33 09

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