Presentation Panel
Tools & Methods to Support the Digital Skills Development of Teachers
Date Thursday, Nov 23 Time – Room Chur
This Presentation Panel discusses the importance of developing teachers' digital skills and includes three speakers who share their experiences and tools for supporting digital competency development:
- Paulette Makepeace will introduce the Jisc Discovery tool for self-assessment and skill development.
- Annette Q Pedersen explores using the DigCompEdu framework to analyse and improve institutional support for teachers.
- Peder Møgelvang Pedersen will present the "Mapping the lecturers' in UCL's generic digital competencies" project.
Paulette Makepeace
Head of Digital Capabilities, JISC, United Kingdom
Paulette Makepeace is the Head of digital capability at Jisc, a UK organisation that provides digital solutions for education and research. She is responsible for the strategic development and delivery of a range of services and resources that help individuals and organisations enhance their digital skills and capabilities. She leads the Jisc building digital capability service, which has a self-assessment tool that helps users identify their strengths and areas for improvement in various aspects of digital practice. Paulette has a background in education, training and consultancy, and has worked with various sectors and organisations to support their digital transformation journeys. She is passionate about empowering people to use technology effectively and creatively to achieve their personal and professional goals.
Peder Møgelvang Pedersen
Associate Professor, UCL Erhvervsakademi og Professionshøjeskole, Denmark
Peder Møgelvang Pedersen,
Email: @email
Associate Professor
Department of Learning Technology
UCL University College, Denmark
Peder is an associate professor at UCL University College in Denmark and he holds a Masters degree in ICT-based Educational Design. Peder is especially interested in how digital technologies and Edtech can leverage and enhance the students learning outcomes, and have therefor worked for 10 years with data-informed and targeted development of lecturer’s generic digital competences and digital transformation.
He also works with CPD of lecturers in regards to the didactical and pedagogical side of implementing new technologies in their teaching.
Lastly Peder is also involved in the strategical aspect of digitalization and is an advisor and sparring partner for the leaders.
Richard Powers
Online Operations & Learning Designer for Virtual Exchange, University of Stuttgart (Professional School of Education), Germany
A well-known and recognized e-Learning expert, Prof. Emer. Richard Powers is currently a Professor, Trainer and Learning Designer with the University of Stuttgart in Germany, where he teaches blended learning courses to develop competences in digitalization and diversity for pre-service teachers across five universities. He is an EU eTwinning Ambassador for Germany.
He teaches Universal Design for Learning (UDL), Project-Based Learning with eTwinning & Erasmus+ for Interculturality, and Digital Accessibility. Prof. Powers won the 2022 Teaching Award for Excellence at Stuttgart University, receiving Euro 10.000 for his research and future projects.
Remotely, Professor Powers develops, implements and evaluates UDL and synchronous "online-live" training programs for 4,000 faculty at City Colleges of Chicago.
He routinely teaches and trains faculty in Stuttgart and Chicago how to teach online with Moodle, ILIAS and Brightspace in webinars via Webex and Zoom. His DAAD and eTwinning/Erasmus+ virtual exchange & blended mobility classes involve student teachers from Germany, Turkey, the Ukraine, North Macedonia, France, Spain, Italy, Romania, Bulgaria and Nepal.
The Jisc Discovery Tool - Up-skilling 25,000 academics in the UK in Digital Skills, Paulette Makepeace
This talk introduces the Jisc Discovery tool, which allows both students and staff at over 200 UK institutions to self-assess their digital capabilities and identify opportunities for skill development.
The tool uses reflective questions related to Jisc's framework for building digital capabilities and integrates with Virtual Learning Environements, digital skills wallets, and Continued Professional Development solutions.
Paulette Makepeace will provide background on the tool's development and evolution, as well as findings and data collected from the rollout at over 200 institutions. She will also share insights on how to develop a competency framework for digital skills and self-assessment surveys, and how to benchmark your institution against others, integrate digital skills development into performance reviews, and offer micro-credentials for digital skills development.
Enhancing the Institutional Support for Teachers' Digital Competencies Development (Using DigCompEdu), Annette Q. Pedersen
This presentation explores how institutions can take on more responsibility for developing teachers' digital competencies. The University of Copenhagen used the European framework DigCompEdu to analyse how the institution can better support individual teachers' needs.
Pedagogical eLearning consultants and system owners have used the framework to identify gaps where the organization does not offer sufficient competence development, as well as areas, where there are perhaps too many scattered resources that may be hard to navigate for teachers.
Annette Q Pedersen will provide you with practical takeaways on how to use the framework and map institutional support for teachers.
The Development of Generic Digital Competencies as a Way To Lead the Digital Transformation, Peder Møgelvang Pedersen
This presentation introduces the "Mapping the lecturers' in UCL's generic digital competencies" project, which aims to develop lecturers' digital competencies and relevant technologies to help students acquire future-proof digital competencies.
Peder Møgelvang Pedersen will cover the practical use of the wheel of digital competences, different views of designing data-informed and targeted competence development, and dialogue-based and strategic organisational development and digital transformation from the leaders' point of view.