Learning Café
Integrating Principles of Online Course Design into Practice
Date Thursday, Nov 24 Time – Room Check
Quality online learning has become increasingly central to students’ expectations of learning experiences in higher education. After two years of emergency remote teaching and learning, how are educators prepared to design, deliver, and evaluate high-quality online courses that meet the needs of a global student population?
In this interactive Learning Café, we facilitate a discussion of about nine principles of high-quality online learning and aspects of each principle that influence course design decisions. Participants will have the opportunity to connect with others and discuss how they enact these principles in their teaching practice and identify opportunities for integrating innovative strategies into their course design.
This Learning Café provides participants with the opportunity to interact with colleagues from diverse disciplines and roles about online course design. The future of online learning in higher education is both bright and complex, which benefits from exploration through conversations that promote innovative thinking, diversity of perspectives, and strategic engagement. Participants will come away from this session with strategies for meeting learners’ needs, institutional priorities, and their pedagogical aims in online learning.
- Identify principles of online course design.
- Reflect upon their beliefs and assumptions about quality online learning experiences.
- Integrate strategies and approaches for designing quality learning experiences into their course design.
Alysia Wright
Educational Development Consultant, University of Calgary, Canada
Alysia Wright, PhD Candidate, is an Educational Development Consultant at the University of Calgary, Canada, where she also teaches at the Faculty of Social Work as a sessional instructor. She brings more than a decade of community and educational development experience to her teaching and consultation practice. Alysia is currently the academic lead for a three-year initiative to catalyze blended and online learning at the University of Calgary, which has included the development and delivery of faculty development initiatives with a focus on pedagogy, academic integrity, and intentional use of learning technologies to promote student-centered learning.