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27 – 29, 2024

How To

Making The Journey From Learning To Performance

Date Friday, Nov 25  Time   –    Room Tegel

One of the biggest challenges organisations faces is moving from learning to performance. What does it take for you to make that change? What skills does your L&D team need? How are you and your team challenged on this journey? 

In this hands-on How To session, participants are invited on a floormat of 2x3 meters that visualises the journey from learning to performance. By doing that they will suddenly see what they need to improve, where their challenges lie and what they need to work on with their stakeholders.

Join this session to understand the steps it takes to get from a learning to a performance mindset, the challenges you face, and how to involve leadership and stakeholders.

OEB speaker Henriette Kloots

Henriette Kloots

Senior L&D Consultant, Pink Coat, Netherlands