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27 – 29, 2024

Panel Discussion

Learning Goes Green: Investing in the Skills We Need for a Sustainable Future

Date Friday, Nov 24  Time   –    Room Charlottenburg I

Dive into the heart of a vital conversation in this panel discussion and delve into the realm of "green skills" and their pivotal role in shaping a sustainable tomorrow.

What Awaits You:

  • Explore the emergence of essential "green skills" necessary for a sustainable future.
  • Uncover the intricate dynamics between education costs, accessibility, and the intersection of vocational training with meaningful employment.

Key Insights:

  • Current Grant Landscape: Unveil the latest in grant funding and investment.
  • EdTech & Green Skills: Discover exciting developments in the EdTech and green skills start-up realm.
  • Investor Focus: Gain insights into investor priorities regarding 'green skills' and the transition to sustainability.

Journey with us to the forefront of sustainability education. Join this session to explore the transformative power of learning in forging a future where "green skills" are central to progress.

The speakers at this Panel Discussion will include:

OEB speaker Nick Kind

Nick Kind

Managing Director, Tyton Partners

OEB speaker Paul von Hinueber

Paul von Hinueber

Investment Manager, Redstone VC

OEB speaker Helen Gironi

Helen Gironi

Director of Ventures, Ufi Ventures, United Kingdom


OEB speaker Rebecca Garrod-Waters

Rebecca Garrod-Waters

Chief Executive, Ufi VocTech Trust, United Kingdom