Boardroom Dialogue
AI and Learning Design for Formative Assessment?
Date Thursday, Nov 23 Time – Room King
In this Boardroom Dialogue, two facilitators will invite participants to discuss how AI can be used for learning tasks and assessment and what students must master in the future to keep up in learning.
The facilitators will provide prompts to the participants for discussion, and if the debate slows down or takes on an unhealthy path the moderators will have alternative questions or input ready to get the debate on course again.
Ole Henrik Mølmann
Senior Adviser, Vestland Fylkeskommune, Norway
Ole Henrik Mølmann is employed as a Senior Advisor for Vestland County Administration, Norway. He has extensive experience in teaching ICT, managing ICT systems and promoting digital literacy/competence in upper secondary schools in Vestland. Since 2016, he has worked in the Education Department of the county administration, where he is responsible for both technical and pedagogical systems, as well as various projects. The goal of most of the projects is to develop digital competence among students and teachers. Ole Henrik has education from NTNU and HIST in Trondheim. He is currently working on two main tasks: The Best Practice Conference (Dei gode Døma), which is an annual conference to share best practices in digital learning, and an ICT strategy for all schools in Vestland, where artificial intelligence in learning is a central focus area.
Kjetil Brathetland
Senior Adviser, Vestland Fylkeskommune, Norway
Kjetil Brathetland is employed as a Senior Advisor for Vestland County Administration, Norway. He has been working on different projects for the Department of Education at the County Admininstration for the last 20 years, all aiming to develop digital literacy/ competencies in upper secondary schools in Vestland. He has previously been working for two university conference secretariats and as a teacher in upper secondary schools. Kjetil has his education from the University of Bergen, Norway, with a major in history.
He is currently working on: The Best Practice Conference (Dei gode Døma), and an ICT-strategy for all schools i Vestland - with AI in learning as a central point of focus.
Kjetil Brathetland has participated three times holding sessions at OEB, last time as a moderator with Jeannette Schmid, Goethe-University Frankfurt am Main, Germany at an unconference session called "Keeping an Eye on Pedagogical Goals - When to Pull the Digital Reins"