Exhibition Seminar
Build Your Successful Academy - Share Knowledge, Monetise Knowledge. The 5 Most Important Tips To Optimise Your Digital Academy, or To Take The First Step
Date Thursday, Nov 23 Time – Room Tegel
In this Exhibition Seminar, Tobias Hauser from Arrabiata will present a solution that will enable you to build your own digital academy, or optimise your existing academy.
The solution addresses five areas that are critical to the success of a digital academy:
- Know your Customer
The first and perhaps most important tip is to know your target audience inside and out. Understand their needs, challenges and expectations. Only when you truly know your customers can you create relevant and engaging educational content that adds value. - Quality vs. Efficiency
When creating content for your digital academy, it's important to strike the right balance between quality and efficiency. High-quality content is critical to capture learners' interest and drive long-term engagement. At the same time, however, you should also be careful to make the creation process as efficient as possible to save time and resources. - Flexibility and Stability
Your technological infrastructure should be flexible enough to adapt to changing requirements, but at the same time stable enough to ensure smooth use. Choose the right tools and platforms that support your Digital Academy and are scalable. - Automation (Efficient processes through automation)
Automating administrative tasks and processes is key to increasing efficiency. Use tools and technologies, to automate enrollments, assessments, certificate issuance, and other administrative tasks. This will save you time and allow you to focus on growing your academy. - Marketing (Successful outreach and promotion)
The best digital academy is of no use if no one knows about it. Invest time and resources in marketing your academy. Use social media, content marketing, social selling, and other strategies to reach and persuade your target audience.
Session takeaways:
- Customer understanding is key: know your target audience inside out to provide customized educational content.
- Balancing quality and efficiency: Be sure to create high-quality content without losing sight of efficiency.
- Automation and marketing are key: use automation to make your processes are efficient and invest in marketing to make your academy known.
Tobias Hauser
Geschäftsführer, Arrabiata Solutions GmbH
Tobias Hauser ist Autor, Trainer und Berater mit den Schwerpunkten E-Learning, Webentwicklung und E-Commerce. Der gelernte Grafikdesigner und Diplom-Betriebswirt schreibt als Autor seit zwanzig Jahren zu allen wichtigen Webthemen. Als Trainer gibt er sein Wissen zu Webarchitektur, Lernmanagementsystemen und Digitalisierung in einer Vielzahl an Kursen weiter. Als Teilhaber der Agentur Arrabiata Solutions GmbH (www.arrabiata.de) realisiert er mit seinem Team E-Learning-, Web- und Datenprojekte für Verlage und international ausgerichtete Mittelständler.